
Metal Print

Direct dye infused Metal Prints are created via sublimation process.  The inks are injected directly with the 3/16” aluminum creating depth and clarity as well as variety in finish and size.

Archival and durable Metal Prints will endure one to two hundred years when kept out of extreme light and heat, much as any artwork.  Yes!  Yet are as recyclable as cans.  Metal Prints can be cleaned with a damp sponge or soft cloth.  They may be displayed anywhere  in and outside if kept out of direct sun.


I began painting again after attending an art therapy studio collective to more completely heal from an injury resulting in chronic pain.

My current abstract paintings are a stark contrast with the structure and detail of my photographic images. Painting freely and left, albeit temporarily, from over analyzing life allows more room for breath and focus on the rest of living. Painting signifies my life exploration at this moment.

I paint on canvas or board and apply layer upon layer of paint, sometimes acrylic but more often oil.  I then chisel or scrape off sections and repeat the process. It is as if the layers of the self, of our own stories, are created by shedding away the old and then beginning again as another is revealed.